Ultimate Nutrition is proud to present Iso Sensation 93 containing 100 percent IsoChill Whey Protein Isolate. IsoChill is a functional whey protein isolate, processed by a novel ultra-low temperature micro-filtration process. It contains a full balance of undenatured bioactive whey proteins, including immunoglobulin (IgG), lactoferrin (Lf) and glycomacropeptide (GMP). It is derived from sweet whey, membrane-filtered and spray-dried by indirect heat, to ensure the highest product quality. This unique formula is further enhanced with colostrum. Colostrum has long been considered nature’s first food. Colostrum exerts important biological activities when given to adults. As our bodies age, we produce less of the immune factors needed to maintain optimal health. Supplemental colostrum can help replenish these stores. ISO Sensation 93 also includes a glutamine complex. In times of stress (weight training), certain parts of the body demand so much glutamine that the body can’t manufacture enough. In these instances, glutamine supplementation can make a world of difference. Intense training causes muscle cell glutamine levels to decrease, allowing for muscle breakdown. Supplementation with L-glutamine causes an anti-catabolic effect by keeping these levels elevated, thus preserving muscle mass and improving nitrogen balance. We’ve included the most stable and readily-absorbed forms of L-glutamine in our complex. Being easily-absorbed and bioavailable, peptide-bonded glutamine, N-acetyl L-glutamine and Glutapure enter muscle cells fast, break down to free glutamine and perform essential metabolic functions.
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