what is whey protein benefits nutriara

What is Whey Protein? Benefits, dosage, effects on body

Whey protein is a combination of proteins separated from Whey, a liquid component of milk that separates during cheese production.

Mainly Milk contains 2 types of proteins : casein (80%) and Whey (20%).

After being separated during the cheese production, Whey goes through various stages of processing to become what people perceive as Whey protein – a powder that is added to the shake, in food and in protein bars.

Whey do not taste good on their own, which is why flavor is added later.

Bodybuilders and weight trainers commonly use protein, to supplement their regular diets for the following two reasons

  • It promotes lean muscle mass growth
  • It helps with muscle protein synthesis

Types of Whey Protein

There are several popular types of Whey protein. Their main difference is in the way they are processed.

  • Concentrate Protein: About 70-80%; it contains lactose (milk sugar) and fat.
  • Whey Isolate: 90% or more; contains less carbs and fat and more protein content than concentrate protein.
  • Hydrolyzed: This type is pre-digested for immediate absorption. It may cause higher spike in insulin levels than isolate protein.


Promotes muscle growth

It can increases muscle and strength by releasing anabolic hormones such as insulin, which is responsible for our muscle growth. The leucine content of the substance stimulates muscle protein synthesis in our body. Unlike other protein sources, whey promotes rapid muscle growth.

Lowers Blood Pressure

Whey protein powder, when consumed by individuals with high blood pressure, proves to be effective in lowering blood pressure. Several studies have linked consumption of dairy products with low blood pressure

May help reduce inflammation

Inflammation is part of the body’s response to damage. Short-term inflammation is beneficial, but in some circumstances it can become chronic. Protein powder helps you to recover faster.

Exercise recovery

Protein powder intake has been proven to improve your athletic abilities. It increases your running speed and helps you recover better from your workouts.

Help reduce appetite

Whey has an incredible effect on satiety. Protein is the highest of every macronutrient when it comes to satiety. This increases energy expenditure, balancing the number of calories you consume.

Can help you lose weight

If you consume whey with weight lifting, you can reduce about 8 pounds of your weight by increasing lean muscle at the same time. In addition to boosting your metabolism, it also reduces your appetite and preserves lean muscle.

Whey protein is very safe. A commonly recommended dose is 1–2 scoops (25–50 grams) per day but you must always follow the serving instructions mentioned on pack

People with kidney or liver issues may avoid whey protein or should consult with a doctor before taking it.

what is a supplement nutriara

What is Supplement?

Some people have misconception about dietary supplement. Especially in India, people call bodybuilding supplements as dabba (a jar) without knowing what ingredients it contains and the benefits it provides.

People also think that supplements can only be taken by Bodybuilders and athletes and it harm their body when they retire from their profession.

This article covers the detailed information about supplement, its usage and the benefits it provides.

What is a supplement (dietary supplement)?

A Supplement or Dietary Supplement is an addition in your regular diet in order to improve or complete it. This addition in your diet as a supplement can be in the form of tablet, capsule, powder or syrup. Supplements can be vitamins, minerals, amino acids, protein, and other substances. Supplement is taken to add nutrients in our diet and these nutrients are either extracted from natural or synthetic sources.

Who can take supplements?

You might be unaware if your body needs supplements or not. However, healthy people like youngsters usually don’t need it. The usage and need of supplement depend on various situations, if:

  • Deficient: If you are suffering from a deficiency or disease. For example, people suffering from bone and joint pain may need to consume calcium and vitamin D tablets as supplements.
  • Pregnant woman: This is certain that all pregnant women require extra nutrient rich diet and to fulfill their nutrition requirement they may need to take supplements.
  • Infants or young children: Infants and children may need supplements for their growth.
  • Older people: As we get older, we may need extra nutrients in the form of supplements as our body starts to absorb less nutrients from food.
  • Athlete, Bodybuilder or do workout: It is very common that gym going people, athletes and bodybuilders take supplements to fulfill their body’s nutrition need or to reach their goals.
  • Had operation or surgery: Doctors may recommend or give it to people who had gone through any kind of surgery or operation.

What benefits it provide?

As written above supplement is taken to improve your health by adding the nutrients in your regular diet. Supplement benefits are same as the points or situations mentioned above. They can be used to treat a deficiency, to improve performance, or reduce the risk of a medical condition.

Note: Most dietary supplements are safe as long as you follow the product instructions. Large doses of certain nutrients may have adverse effects. For safety and quality, choose supplements which are tested and approved by a certifying body like FSSAI.

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